performance OEE module
Leancure View MES performance OEE module is a production monitoring system that measures and displays the performance of your production lines in real time. It automatically tracks and records downtime and losses that deteriorate their efficiency.
The solution is independent of programmable logic controllers (PLC) and can be deployed in a single day on any production line. We use IoT technology to collect data and most of the time we are able to connect to already existing sensors. Operators are equipped with tactile tablets so that they can provide accurate information on the root causes of the events that are detected by the system.
Find a solution to optimize your productivity
We install our MES solution in one single day on all types of lines.
Test our tool for 60 days by equipping a pilot line on your production site.
The module’s features
- Automatic recording of :
› Production time,
› Quantity of good and bad parts,
› Unplanned and planned downtime. -
Real time display of machine speed and performance ratio (OEE/OOE),
- KPI report and performance feedback available in a few clicks inside the web application,
- Easy data backup and export.


User friendly for your production workers and managers

Visual management which increases the reactivity of your workers teams

Immediate OEE gain of 5 to 15 points

Prioritizes continuous improvement plans on the most impacting factors

100% digital tool, so as not to waste time anymore with paper or Excel spreadsheets

Fast deployment

Typical ROI in less than 6 months
Based on the same principle as the traceability and self-checking module,
the performance module can be installed in a single day and is available on your intranet with unlimited access.